How to Care for Texture Type Hair

About Texture Type Hair:

For Type 8 hair, characterized by tight zig-zag coils, volume is a prominent feature. To maintain healthy, voluminous curls, consider the L.O.C. method (Leave-in or lotion, Oil, Cream). This method is particularly effective for retaining moisture, which is essential for Type 8 hair.

Best Products for Texture Type Hair:

Oils play a crucial role in the L.O.C. method, making products like Mizani 25 Miracle Nourishing Oil an excellent choice. This leave-in treatment offers 25 benefits, including protection and moisturization suitable for all hair types.

Embracing Your Unique Texture:

Understanding your hair type and choosing the right products is essential, but it’s equally important to embrace the uniqueness of your natural texture. The natural hair movement celebrates diversity, encouraging individuals to appreciate and flaunt their distinct curls, coils, and waves.

Styling Tips for All Hair Types:

Experiment with different styles: The versatility of textured hair allows for a range of styles, from protective braids to free-flowing curls. Explore and find what makes you feel confident and comfortable. Regular trims: Regardless of your hair type, routine trims help maintain healthy ends and promote overall hair health. Protective styles: Consider protective styles like braids, twists, or buns to minimize manipulation and protect your hair from environmental stressors. Healthy lifestyle: A balanced diet and proper hydration contribute to the health of your hair. Nutrient-rich foods and staying hydrated positively impact the vibrancy of your natural texture.

Community and Support:

Joining the natural hair community provides a wealth of resources, support, and inspiration. Online platforms, social media groups, and local events allow you to connect with others on a similar journey. Sharing experiences and tips can be invaluable as you navigate your unique natural hair path.

Protective Styling Tips for Natural Hair:

In addition to understanding your hair type and selecting appropriate products, incorporating protective styling into your natural hair care routine is essential for maintaining healthy and vibrant curls. Protective styles not only safeguard your hair from damage but also offer versatility and a break from daily manipulation.

Here are some protective styling tips for natural hair:

Braids and Twists:

Benefits: Braids and twists are classic protective styles that help reduce manipulation, prevent breakage, and promote hair growth. Keep your scalp moisturized while wearing braids or twists by applying a lightweight oil or moisturizing spray. Avoid styles that are too tight to prevent unnecessary tension on the hair.

Buns and Updos:

Benefits: Buns and updos are simple yet effective protective styles. They keep the ends of your hair tucked away, minimizing exposure to environmental factors. Rotate the placement of your bun to distribute tension evenly. Use satin scrunchies or hairpins to secure your style without causing damage.

Wigs and Weaves:

Benefits: Wearing wigs or weaves provides a protective barrier around your natural hair, allowing it to rest and grow without daily manipulation. Prioritize the health of your natural hair beneath the wig or weave. Moisturize your scalp regularly, and avoid styles that put excessive strain on your natural hair.

Protective Twists or Locs:

Benefits: Twists or locs, whether natural or added, offer a protective environment for your hair. They reduce the need for constant styling and detangling. Keep your twists or locs clean and moisturized. Regularly oil your scalp and use a silk or satin scarf to protect your hair while sleeping.

Satin or Silk Scarves and Pillowcases:

Benefits: Using satin or silk materials reduces friction on your hair, preventing breakage and minimizing frizz. Tie your hair with a satin or silk scarf before bed to maintain your protective style. Alternatively, invest in a silk or satin pillowcase for a gentle sleeping surface.

Regular Moisture and Care:

Benefits: Regardless of your protective style, maintaining moisture is crucial. Dry hair is more prone to breakage and damage. Incorporate a leave-in conditioner or moisturizing spray into your routine to keep your hair hydrated. Pay attention to your hair’s needs and adjust your routine accordingly.

Scalp Massages:

Benefits: Regular scalp massages stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles, promoting growth and maintaining a healthy scalp. Use a lightweight oil or scalp serum during your massages. Be gentle to avoid unnecessary pulling or tugging on your hair.

Avoid Heat Styling:

Benefits: Limiting heat styling helps prevent heat damage, which can lead to dryness, breakage, and changes in your curl pattern. Embrace your natural texture and opt for heat-free styles. If you must use heat occasionally, apply a heat protectant and use the lowest effective temperature.

Trim Regularly:

Benefits: Regular trims help prevent split ends and breakage, promoting overall hair health. Schedule trims every few months or as needed. If you notice split ends or single-strand knots, trim them promptly to prevent further damage.

Hydrate from Within:

Benefits: Hydrated hair starts from within. Drinking an adequate amount of water contributes to overall hair health and moisture retention. Stay hydrated by drinking enough water daily. A well-hydrated body reflects in the health and appearance of your hair.

Protective Style Rotation:

Benefits: Rotating your protective styles prevents constant tension on specific areas of your hair, reducing the risk of breakage. Change your protective style periodically, allowing your hair a break. Use this time to assess the health of your hair and adjust your routine accordingly.

Gentle Detangling:

Benefits: Gentle detangling prevents unnecessary breakage and preserves the natural curl pattern. Use a wide-tooth comb or your fingers to detangle, starting from the tips and working your way up. Apply a detangling conditioner or oil for added slip.

Deep Conditioning:

Benefits: Deep conditioning restores moisture, strengthens, and improves the overall health of your hair. Incorporate deep conditioning into your routine regularly. Use a nourishing hair mask or conditioner, and consider heat or steam for enhanced penetration.

Protective Style Preparations:

Benefits: Properly preparing your hair before a protective style ensures a smooth transition and minimizes stress on your strands. Moisturize and detangle your hair before installing any protective style. This sets the foundation for a healthy and successful protective styling experience.

Embrace Your Natural Texture:

Benefits: Embracing your natural texture is key to a successful natural hair journey. Celebrate the uniqueness of your curls and coils. Experiment with different styles that highlight and complement your natural texture. Love and appreciate the beauty of your hair in its natural state.


A holistic approach to natural hair care involves a combination of protective styling, proper maintenance, and self-love. Understanding your hair type, embracing its natural texture, and incorporating a consistent care routine are crucial steps in your natural hair journey. Patience and experimentation are key as you discover what works best for your hair, allowing you to celebrate and showcase the beauty of your unique curls and coils. Integrating protective styling into your natural hair care routine is a proactive approach to maintaining healthy and beautiful curls. Experiment with different styles to find what works best for your hair type and personal preferences. Remember, protective styling is not only about safeguarding your strands but also about embracing the versatility and beauty of natural hair. Enjoy the journey of discovering styles that complement your unique texture and contribute to the overall health of your natural hair.

About Author OHAIR

Discovering the perfect hairstyle for you is a breeze with our comprehensive range of inspiration. Regardless of your hair type, we're here to guide you in finding the ideal hairstyles that suit your unique preferences and personality. Whether you have short, medium-length, or long hair, and regardless of whether your locks are straight, curly, wavy, or somewhere in between, we've got you covered. From classic cuts to trendy and edgy styles, our suggestions cater to diverse tastes.

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